Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One of the reasons that I started this blog was because of all the amazing blogs I read and that have inspired me to have a go. One of these is Chantelle of  Fat Mum Slim, she has a photo a day challenge that people all around the world are doing.

Now for the last year or so I keep saying to myself I will definitely participate this month. You get a new list of photos each month. And I have lasted the first couple of days before forgetting to do it.

Tomorrow is the start of the november list. Now I am going to do it again but this time I am going to keep myself on track by adding the photos here as well. Maybe not daily but a least weekly updates. Also I plan on doing it through instragram. You can also see the photos on twitter is you look for #fmsphotoaday.

See Chantelle's How to play to find out how you can join in as well.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tune Tuesdays - Rock The Ages

This week I am picking a movie rather than a song. My best friend and husband are both into rock music, me not so much. When 'Rock The Ages' came out my friend went to see it at the movies and raved about it. The other night I went to get a DVD for my husband and I and found it in the new release section.

Honestly if you haven't seen this movie then I recommend that you do. We loved it! One word of warning, it is based on a musical so they sing through out the movie. But you sing along with them. And laaugh out loud, a lot.

My husband loved it so much he is planning on buying it on blue ray when he gets a chance.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prep School- Orientation

My son is starting prep school next year at an Anglican college. For those people who do not know what this is it's preschool but actually held on the school grounds. From there J will progress through kindergarten to year 12 all at the same school.

So this morning we had to go and do orientation. This is basically just so that the kids can get use to the school environment. J was not really sure about it (he's very outgoing normally) and showed some of the first insecurity that I have seen in him by asking me whether I was going to stay with him or not. Once I explained that this was going to be like the pre-school program that he does through daycare he got very excited. He just loves it.

I felt absolutely awful though. I liked primary school but hated high school and I was really surprised to find that I felt as though I was the one who was going to be starting school. I even had the clammy sweaty palms. The feeling really didn't fade until I had been there in the class room for about 30 mins.

Meanwhile J had a great time, he played with some kids and drew a picture. At the start he was like 'Mum what do Ido first?' and I was like whatever you want to do. As an introduction it was good. J cried when we were leaving, which to be honest, I had expected. He was the only one that cried when leaving. Hopefully a full day will cure him off that.

Then he went off to the school hall and bought him his school uniform and bag and hat. All I have to do now is get him white shoes and socks.

I am torn  between being excited that he is going to school next year and sad that he's actually old enough to go already. He hasn't even started yet and I am already worrying about whether he will like it, will he have friends, will he eat his lunch etc etc. I am going to be a complete nervous wreck by the time he actually starts. So I am taking 2 weeks off work when he starts, so I can be at home if there is a problem.

Me overprotective?, No.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Close Encounters

Today has so far proven to be 'one of those days' that I wish I had not gotten out of bed. The final stray was in our local shops carpark. I backed into a car.

Now I am really careful at these shops as they will just fly past you when you are reversing out of spots.

Today I did my usual routine, checked my mirrors and looked out of the rear window, nothing coming or reversing. So I started out of my spot, I never go fast and I'm constantly watching around me.

I got completely out of my spot, and I was reversing to the right, when something nudged the back left bumper bar. A car was the last thing I thought it would be, but it was.

I had backed into an older sedan, hitting the passenger door. There is a little damage to him, a slight dent and some paint missing,and paint scraped off my bumper, that's its. His car was not out of its spot fully either, while my car was across the road section.

So we exchanged details. That's when he floored me by telling me that he had seen my car moving and had done nothing. I mean really, he could at least have beeped his horn or driven back into his spot, but no he sat and waited for our cars to collide.

Now I know that really I shouldn't be judgmental but this man was obviously older, I'd say 70's plus. And there is a lot of talk in the media lately about senior drivers and them having to take driving tests. Or as one of the channels said get them to put 'S' plates on.

Now no doubt our accident would still have occurred but I can't help but feel that this is another good example of someone who is losing the ability to judge while driving. Someone younger would have beeped their horn or moved their car back into its spot.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tune Tuesdays- Doing The Do

In 1990 Betty Boo released Doing The Do. Can you believe that it has been 22 years since then? It's hard to take that in. I have to say that it still makes me want to dance.

What songs did you listen to as a teenager? Leave a comment if you would like me to post your song.

Friday, October 19, 2012

'H' is for Hospital


A few days ago one of my Facebook friends posted the above image on their timeline. When I saw if I laughed 'til I cried. I couldn't help it, I am a nurse. Plus I have a somewhat whacky sense of humor. To be honest most nurses would probably say the same thing.

Now I know your looking at it thinking that's really not that funny. But I wasn't laughing because it's funny but because I can really relate.

I have been saying the exact same thing (only hotel instead of Hilton) for a very very long time.I know, I know, everyone out there is going but why would you need to say that? Unfortunately a very large portion of the population seems to think that once they are in a hospital bed then they need to be waited on hand and foot. They won't even do simple things like eat by themselves or walk to the toilet.

I understand that a lot of people out there are not like that but as you can tell by the fact that it has been turned into the above cartoon I am not the only one who thinks that. Ask any nurse you know and they will agree with  me.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

URL Change!

I am very sorry if this causes confusion or choas, but I have had a url change. Why? Well the url I did have was a little bit of a mouthful (ok make that I large mouthful). But then when I started it I had put Jumbled Thoughts in the header, not really realising that it should have been my blogs address there. At about 1am last night I realised what had happened.

So this morning I tried some variations of Jumbled Thoughts and found that Random Jumbled Thoughts was free. So there you go, my blog is now

I hope I have not caused too much confusion.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tune Tuesdays- Murder On The Dance Floor

In late 2001 Sophie Ellis Bextor released "Murder On The Dance Floor". When it came out it became one of my all time favourites, wherever I went I sang it non stop. I have the, at times, slightly embarrassing habit of singing out loud when I am concentrating. Whether its embarrassing does depend on the song.

I hope you enjoy my pick for todays Tune Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tune Tuesdays

I have had the idea for Tune Tuesdays for a while. I am always listening to songs on the radio and thinking I haven't heard that for ages. Most of them I haven't even seen the video clip of. So every Tuesday I am going to post a tune that I love to share with all of you.

This week I am starting out with Nicklebacks Far Away. This is a favourite of my husband and I, we even used it as our wedding dance song. Enjoy!

I have to warn you there is a very short add in the video before the song starts.

Monday, October 8, 2012

St Georges Basin

We have just come back from an overnight stay at St Georges Basin. Its down the coast near Jervis Bay. Friends of ours bought a waterfront property and have spent the last 2 years renovating it. Though to be honest they did more than renovate. About the only thing remaining from the original house is the floor and frame. Its amazing!

I am in total awe at how amazing these people are to have redesigned and then basically rebuilt the entire house. Now its a lovely little cottage that inspires me to do the same. Unfortunately I am afraid that I just do not have the time, boy do I wish I did.

The weather on Saturday was grey and overcast but that didn't stop my son. He loves the water and enjoyed playing on the sand until he was eventually soaked through. We had to give him a bath in a great big storage tub thing which he also thought was wonderful.

That night after dinner the wind became ferocious. You could here it howling down the chimney of the wood fire place they have. It was delightful to watch the flames dance.

On Sunday E, my son and I went and had a look in some shops. One of which was a handmade candle shop that I bought some great citronella candles from (I will show you them in a later post). Meanwhile the men watched Bathurst after taking our friends boat out.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Books, Books and More Books!


I love to read, well to be honest love doesn't really cover it. Obsessed might be a better way of describing it. By the time I had finished primary school I had read all the classics from both the school and local library, I really should read them again it's been so long.

By high school my focus was more on science fiction, Arthur Clarke and Robert Heinlein etc. My stepfather was also an avid reader, with a shed of books in the backyard. Unfortunately the roof got damaged an all the books were damaged so he had to get rid of them. Before that though I read all of the E. E. "Doc" Smith books, I wish I had a photo of what my room looked like at the time. There were stacks of books everywhere.

Towards the end of high school I was into mainly fantasy, Piers Anthony and Anne McCaffrey being two of my favourites. (I am currently trying to find a copy of Piers Anthonys Incarnations Of Immortality series but all I can find are audio books.).

As well as reading I use to write, constantly, I am embarassed to say that I wrote my first (and only) play hile in primary school. Its hidden deep in the depths of my filing cabinet. As I got older I wrote less, during university I juggled study with a part time job so there was not much time left over. I still read though.

When I started working I didn't even get to read much. Shiftwork tends to exhaust you (especially multiple nightshifts and overtime).

Now things have changed again. I'm only part time at work as I have a 4yr old son at home. This has given me more 'spare' time so too speak. And next year he will be starting preschool. So I am planning on catching up on all the reading on my reading list. Its a very long list.

PS the above image comes from Kandace Hansen (kandacehansen97) on pinterest. For some reason I could not get blogger to let me do a 'source' link.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blog introduction!

Blogs are interesting things, they can be a random collection of thoughts, stories by writers, a way of keeping track of the events in a persons life. They can be anything that your heart desires.

This is not my first blog, my first one was created by a friend of mine back when I really had no idea what they were. At that stage I was not really aware of 'social network' at all. Still do not really get Facebook but have to admit to a mild addiction to Twitter. All that changed when I got my first Iphone!

Now I spend a lot of my time reading blogs that I follow on a RSS feed on my phone. The variety of blogs never ceases to amaze and delight me, not to mention inspire me to write my own blog. Now I am taking a plunge and creating my own blog. Version 2 of my own blog I should say. With the last one I had trouble working out what I should be doing or writing, as a result I started to feel as though it was a job and not something I was enjoying. Plus after a while I started to feel as though the blog was a bit disjointed.

I still have that blog, I love it's name, but for now its going to have a break while I try writing here for a while and seeing how that goes.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I am going to enjoy writing it.