I have had a very busy few weeks. And today has been the first day that we stayed at home, tomorrow we will be going to see my FIL at hospital. With all of the running around and stress a lot of things have been slipping through the cracks, so to speak. One of them has been meal preparation and cooking.
Today has been another prime example of this. My husband has gone to an all day concert, mainly to see Aerosmith and Van Halen.
My son is running fevers and is being very clingy due to be sick. After I tucked him into bed tonight I realised that I had forgotten to make myself dinner. And feeling very uninspired I decided to whip up this old favourite.
I can't remember where the original idea came from for this, I think it might be my mothers invention, but my brother and I have been making this since we were teens.
All you need are 2 minute noodles, an egg and bacon. And the rest is dead easy.
First, cook and drain the 2 minute noodle and place in a bowl.
In the same pot, place chopped bacon and cook. How long you cook it is up to you, however I have noticed that the bacon will never go that really burnt fried look. The pot will however.
Once bacon is cooked, add noodle back to pot and add 1 egg. Mix all together over low heat until egg is cooked through. Then put back in a bowl and serve.
One of the great aspects of this dish is that you can literally add whatever you want to it. Over the years I have used egg and mushrooms, mushrooms and onions, cook diced veges etc. You are really only limited by what you like to eat.
I hope you enjoy!