Monday, July 8, 2013

I'm in shock!

The most amazing thing happened to me today at work. Yes that's right another work related post. (And yes today was yet another awful shift, after all it is Monday).
For the first time in many many years I was actually thanked for the effort that I have put in at work.
I was stunned! I have been a nurse sine 1997 and in emergency since 1999. And I can honestly say that in all that time this is the first time that I have ever been thanked by administration.
It really makes a difference when you know that they acknowledge what you are doing.
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Location:Kaputar Place,Prairiewood,Australia

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Angry Birds Party

It was my sons 5th birthday today. He decided that he wanted an angry birds theme. So we did. I made the cake myself. It turned out well (apart from my Kenwood Chief dying on me).

I got a whole lot of plates and stuff off eBay. It was a set and funnily enough I didn't end up using as much of it as I thought I would.

Mainly as he's now having two parties. I decided that the thought if twenty kids plus parents was just too much for my house. So instead we had family on the weekend and this weekend we are having a party at Monkey Mania.

Monkey Mania are supplying food and drinks, a cake and lolly bags. Plus the kids can then play until it closes. Perfect!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, July 5, 2013

It's an Emergency!

I rarely talk about work here, in fact I think I have only ever written one post about it. But after last night I need to write this.
To start with let's explain what an emergency department is. It's for emergency's that are life threatening. Life threatening! That's when you could die. And yes we will see you for any medical problems that you have. But life threatening takes priority.
But what constitutes 'life threatening'? Well for starters heart attacks and people who can't breathe top the list, it's seems that people don't understand that these can kill you. Sutures that need removal will not kill you. (No, I kid you not!)
I understand that people don't like to wait to see the doctor but we do not work like a GP does. You don't have 15 minute appointment times, and yes people who come after you will be seen before you if they are considered to be more unwell. And following on from the 'not a GP' comment, if someone has had a cardiac or respiratory arrest and we are trying to keep them alive then it will take more than '15 minutes'.
Do you know, if I had a dollar for every time I had to say this I would be a millionaire several times over. All emergency staff would be. It's frustrating!
And don't get me started on the amount of people who use their local emergency as a GP service. If they went to a proper GP it would help with waiting times, seriously.
Don't get me wrong. I can understand the patients perspective as well. When you are suck you don't want to be sitting in a cold waiting room, waiting. We would love to treat you as soon as you come in. But we just don't have the resources any more. Despite what all the politicians may tell you.
One of the most simple truths is that the population is increasing rapidly but services for that population have stayed the same.
Emergency staff, as well as the rest of the hospital, are doing the best we can with the limited resources that we have. Yelling and screaming, and threatening us is not going to make things go faster. Honestly all it does is make us that little bit less sympathetic to you.
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