I use to have the best time management skills.
Then I had my son! Now everyone tells you when you are
pregnant, that you get ‘pregnancy brain’, and that it eventually gets better.
But it’s been almost 5 years now and it is simply not improving.
My biggest issue is the tendency that I now have to be
easily side tracked. Some days I suddenly discover that I am in the middle of
the washing up, and making the beds and hanging out washing. With numerous
other tasks partially completed as well, bathrooms are commonly like this. Then
it all gets a little overwhelming as I try to reorganise myself and get things
So I am trying out some simple techniques in order to try
and get more done. Nicole Avery from
Planning With Kids has some really helpful
tips on her site. One of the easiest I have found is the 15min rule.
Basically what this means is that you allocate 15 mins to
each job. Sure some jobs need more than that but it’s a useful starting point.
And you would be seriously surprised at what you can get done in 15 mins. I
think it’s the motivation of knowing that soon, very soon, this will be over. I
have also noticed that there is an added benefit from this, I am getting more
done each day.
It also works really well with to do lists, have I mentioned
that I am obsessed with to do lists? Actually obsessed might be a bit mild. I
have a monthly planner, and I have a weekly overview list (I work shiftwork)
and then I have the daily to do list. And yes, because I can that list is often
broken down into type of tasks, you know, gardening or cleaning etc.
One of the lists I have is a list of the seasonal/ monthly
tasks, things like repacking the linen cupboard and going through my sons out
grown clothes. Tasks that need to be done regularly but, really, not that
often. I have started adding these in to my weekly list and the result has been
surprising. I am flying through them. At this point of time I am ahead, so to
speak, leaving me with a whole lot of free time.
What things do you do to organise your time?