Ever since I wrote the last post on trying to get too much done Here I have been thinking about ways that I could save time/ make things faster.
Now I am sure that there are millions of things that I can do, but they have to work for me. So it's been a little bit of trial and error around here.
One of the things that I find most time consuming is washing. Hanging, sorting, folding etc all can take a lot of time. And I have to be honest and say that some days I don't get it all done, so I am left staring at an overflowing clothes basket. Not fun!
But I have found a new way of doing it. And it does save time!
I do one load a day in winter as it takes so long to dry. But I put it on first thing in the morning. That way by the time I am home from the school run its ready to hang out. No waiting around while the washing machine runs. And if its a nice day I can put a second load on.
Then once its dry I fold it as I take it off the line and put it into the basket. Once I am back inside I just have to put it away in drawers. It's really made a difference to getting it finished.
For things like sheet sets I fold them up and put them into their pillowcase. So when I want a particular set I just have to grab that pillowcase. Not only do I find that this saves time but my linen closet looks so much neater.
What tricks do you have for saving time with the laundry?
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