Monday, September 29, 2014

Book Review- Jim Butcher



Storm Front is the first in the Harry Dresden Wizard series that is written by Jim Butcher. I first came across this character in s short story anthology called Side Jobs and was fascinated.

A male wizard with a strong moral code who seems to be always getting into trouble. Someone, who because of his power, has to live without the technological advances of the day. Electrics die when he's around.

So I tracked down the first in the series, and couldn't put it down. I can't wait until I read the rest.

This is one of those books where I would love to be able to live in his world, alas not to be.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Book Review- Cathy Caron


                                            Knitting Sweaters from the Top Down: Fabulous Seamless Patterns to Suit Your Style

I am currently on a knitting obsession. (I just have an obsessive personality when it comes to books and crafts). Not that I would consider myself a great knitter.

I am making a jumper for my husband that has caused all sorts of grief. (Its a long long story). But has that stopped me? No way.

I am currently knitting a sock on double point needles while I wait for some new yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills. I am also finding time to crochet a ripple blanket and make a right angle weave necklace. But I have wandered of topic.

I borrowed the above book from my local library and I am fascinated by the concept of no seams. Seriously fascinated by it. But at the same time I really thought that it would be too hard to do.

Not with this book!

The first few sections explain what top down is about and how to do it. From there it goes in to understanding sizing and then leads onto designing a sweater. Its beautifully simple to read and understand. Anyone could follow Cathy Carrons instructions and be successfull.

This is one book that I will be buying for my own collection.

Do you have any knitting book recommendations?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Book Week

This week my son is having Book Week at his school. All of the activities are being done today with like a rolling display that the kids are involved in.

As part of Multilit this week the organiser asked us if we could read to our students. Something that we had read as kids. So I picked The Story Of Ferdinand. Originally printed in 1937, my copy is from 1970. I would be very surprised if it is still available in print. Its hard to see in these pictures but the pictures are all hand drawn and amazingly detailed.

The story is about a bull called Ferdinand who only wants to sit and smell the flowers. But after being stung by a bee ends up being taken to Madrid to participate in the bullfights. Things don't quite go according to plan.

The kids loved having me read to them for a change and it was really fun for me too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

FSF- Darkness

         Sometimes to bathe in the moon's light we must walk through dark paths. Or the trails of others.

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie McFerrin will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word.

The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

This week’s word: DARKNESS

The road stretched into the distance, seemingly endless. So tired now that she was numb, she trudged along, one foot after the other.

No where along the road had she come across shelter and the night was enclosing fast.

Resigned, she at last stopped by a tree, unshouldering her pack.

Another night to be spent sleeping on the ground.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Book Review- Jacqueline Carey

 Autumn Bones by Jacqueline Carey
I first read Jaqueline Careys series Kushiels Legacy many years ago and its one of my absolute favourites. I have read it multiple times. So when I first found Autumn Bones at my local library I wasn't sure it was the same author. I had to bring it home and check Jaqueline Careys website, and yes its the same author.

But its very different in tone when you read it. And, of course, being me its the second in the series. Believe it or not my library does not have the first book. Drives me nuts when they do that.

This book is set in a much more modern setting. With a heroine that is not afraid to make choices and stand up for them, while often she seems to be flying by the seat of her pants.

Its a fun read that I enjoyed and am looking forward to reading the reast of the series.                                                                                                                    

Monday, September 1, 2014

Spring Has Sprung!

Can you believe that spring is here already? And today in Sydney they are expecting it to hit 23 degrees. Quite a change to last week where it was cold and raining for most of it.

It's great for all of my plants though. Above is a photo of my blueberry bush. It's about 5 years old and a couple of weeks ago I moved it to the above pot. It gets more sun here which it loves. It produces berries every year now and more each year, so I am hoping for a bumper crop this year.

Two weeks ago I planted these seeds with my son. Within days we had the snow and dwarf peas sprout. It's hard to see in the photo but the carrots are also coming up now.

We have made a little wooden garden bed for them but I haven't had time to fill it with soil yet. With the rate at which these plants are growing I really need to get a move on.

Now is when I start my anxious wait for my oak and maple bonsais to leaf again. I do this every year and I am always so relieved when the leaves appear. Shouldn't be long now.

My last bonsai, a port Jackson fig is doing well. I use to have a lot more bonsai but when we got our dog she thought they were chew toys and ate the lot. That's one of the reasons their is wire around the base of the blueberry. It stops our dog from digging it up.

What plans do you have for your garden this spring?

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