Monday, September 1, 2014

Spring Has Sprung!

Can you believe that spring is here already? And today in Sydney they are expecting it to hit 23 degrees. Quite a change to last week where it was cold and raining for most of it.

It's great for all of my plants though. Above is a photo of my blueberry bush. It's about 5 years old and a couple of weeks ago I moved it to the above pot. It gets more sun here which it loves. It produces berries every year now and more each year, so I am hoping for a bumper crop this year.

Two weeks ago I planted these seeds with my son. Within days we had the snow and dwarf peas sprout. It's hard to see in the photo but the carrots are also coming up now.

We have made a little wooden garden bed for them but I haven't had time to fill it with soil yet. With the rate at which these plants are growing I really need to get a move on.

Now is when I start my anxious wait for my oak and maple bonsais to leaf again. I do this every year and I am always so relieved when the leaves appear. Shouldn't be long now.

My last bonsai, a port Jackson fig is doing well. I use to have a lot more bonsai but when we got our dog she thought they were chew toys and ate the lot. That's one of the reasons their is wire around the base of the blueberry. It stops our dog from digging it up.

What plans do you have for your garden this spring?

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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