Have you seen this movie? The bucket List with Danny Glover and Jack Nicholson? If you haven't then you really need too. I watched and loved it, you laugh, you cry, and then you think why don't I have a bucket list?
So, since I watched the movie last year, I have been trying to decide what would be on my bucket list. Two of the things, go to Disneyland and Hawaii I did in may this year. Five years before we had planned but I'm not complaining. We actually plan on going back.
But I'm kind of stumped on what the rest of my list should be. I'd love to write a novel (I wrote all the time in school). I knit and crochet and bead. I have this blog, and another currently in limbo.
But I don't really have any particular thing I want to do. Not planning on sky diving (afraid of heights). Not really a traveller, I love my home. Though I do want to visit Japan one day (to see the bonsai) and my husband and I have plans on travelling around Australia in a caravan.
So I am going to make a Bucket List page and put on it the things I want to do.
Suggestions are welcome!
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