Today is D for Debacle.
"Again Kel and will you concentrate this time!"
Trying not to loose her temper, Kel took two slow deep breaths. She was concentrating,but this was the umpteenth time she had attempted the spell and she was tired. Not to mention the fact that she was beginning to think that it was impossible.
It was just over a year now since she had started working with the Magus, though she was not sure that was what she should call it. Mentally exhausting, back breaking labour was more accurate. Having talked to some of the other acolytes she had quickly established that her Magus had the worst reputation.
With another slow deep breath she slowly gathered together the energy of the spell, in her mind creating the result she wanted. Just as she went to release the spell, the door flew open and a messenger raced in. Startled Kel jerked and the spell rocketed out of control across the room.
With a shimmer of sparks it hit the opposite wall and the calendar hanging on it.
"What in blazes do you think you are doing? How dare you barge in here!" Irate, the Magus descended on the messenger, but he wasn't paying attention. With a shaking finger, and Kel was sure he was trying not to laugh, he pointed past them.
The calendar that the spell hit was writhing. And to Kels horrified eyes, cats started to climb, or rather fall, out of it. Lots and lots of cats! Horrified Kel looked at the Magus.
"Well Kel this is certainly an interesting result". And then to her everlasting mortification he started laughing.
What a wonderful image of cats falling out of the calendar! Thank you for that vision. - Fawn