Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A to Z April Challenge- N is for Necklace

My inspiration today is the word Necklace.

The beads glittered in the light, shades of amethyst and rose flashing. They were an impulse buy, but one she hadn't regretted. The colours jumping out at her as she walked past the bead shop. For some reason bringing her a strange nostalgia.

She could remember her grandmother and great grandmother beading when she was a child. Not beads of this colour. But pearls and white seed beads. They had made handmade wedding dresses.

Beautiful dresses that took them hours to bead. She would play under their work table, picking up the beads that escaped.

But that wouldn't do for these beads. While at the bead shop she had bought needles and thread, everything that she might need for a necklace. For that was what these were destined to be, a beautiful beaded rope necklace.

1 comment:

  1. That's lovely - having the character start a hobby that reminds her of her past with her loved ones.

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,
