My inspiration today is I for Immunity.
Everyone always talked about the Zombie apocalypse but no one really believed it. It was a bit like aliens, great to talk about and watch in movies but never going to happen.
Ha! Thought Ian, slowly rolling onto his side. His left arm hurt like hell. It felt like it was on fire. Struggling to a seated position he looked at it. He was obviously shocked or the torn mangled flesh and exposed bones of his arm should have freaked him out.
His brain couldn't take in the level of destruction around him. The dead were every where that he looked, torn apart, by the creatures that had attacked them.
Zombies were real! And destroying everything in their path. How, or rather, why he was still alive was a mystery.
The pain in his arm spiked sharply. And before his amazed eyes the skin, slowly but steadily, knitted itself back together.
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