Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Time Management

Ever since I wrote the last post on trying to get too much done Here I have been thinking about ways that I could save time/ make things faster.

Now I am sure that there are millions of things that I can do, but they have to work for me. So it's been a little bit of trial and error around here.

One of the things that I find most time consuming is washing. Hanging, sorting, folding etc all can take a lot of time. And I have to be honest and say that some days I don't get it all done, so I am left staring at an overflowing clothes basket. Not fun!

But I have found a new way of doing it. And it does save time!

I do one load a day in winter as it takes so long to dry. But I put it on first thing in the morning. That way by the time I am home from the school run its ready to hang out. No waiting around while the washing machine runs. And if its a nice day I can put a second load on.

Then once its dry I fold it as I take it off the line and put it into the basket. Once I am back inside I just have to put it away in drawers. It's really made a difference to getting it finished.

For things like sheet sets I fold them up and put them into their pillowcase. So when I want a particular set I just have to grab that pillowcase. Not only do I find that this saves time but my linen closet looks so much neater.

What tricks do you have for saving time with the laundry?

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Monday, June 16, 2014

FSF- Wishes


Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie McFerrin posts a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word.

The word does not need to appear in your five sentences.

She sat, feet dangling over the edge of the verandah, breathe little puffs of vapour in the cold.

"What are you doing out there? It's freezing".

"I'm waiting for the brumbies to come". Her dad sighed and sat down next to her.

"You'll be waiting a long time I'm afraid".

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Critical Much?

Do you find that you are very critical of yourself? I do! And I have to admit that it's more so now that I have a child.

Before I was pregnant I was an extremely organised Type A personality. I worked full time, did all the overtime I was offered and still managed to keep the house spotless, read lots and craft lots.

Then I got pregnant and things changed (as everyone with kids will tell you).

Now I am doing housework daily, and as for reading and crafting? Well not as much as I would like too. It's frustrating because I am only working part time so in theory should have more time.

Yesterday was a public holiday in Sydney. I ended up spending most of the time reorganising my sons toys and getting rid of the ones he doesn't play with anymore. Plus he and I played a few games together.

Sometime during the day I realised that I was being critical of myself yet again as I had done all the things that I wanted to do. If you had asked my son though, he would probably have told you it was the best day ever, as we had played together.

It really made me think. When did life become all about getting things done? Why do I measure my success like that now?

So I am going to attempt to change the way I think. My son is my major priority. I am going to stop trying to get so much done all the time.

Maybe all I need is to reorganise the way I do things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Book Review- Stephanie Dowrick

Today's review is a little different. I found this book at the library while looking for a different book altogether, and thought it looked interesting.

Stephanie Dowrick's book is called Creative Journal Writing, and obviously, it talks about creative Journalling. In it Stephanie talks about the process of journaling. It also has a series of exercises throughout it to encourage creativity. For added inspiration are little stories from people who journal as well and what they have gotten out of it.

I have always kept a diary but I have to say that it has become more of a list of events than a true journal. And to be honest most of the entries are bland, we worked type entries.

Stephanie's book has encouraged me to try writing more freely. To turn off the logical side of my mind and let the creativity flow. I am looking forward to see where it might take my writing.

Do you journal?

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Friday, June 6, 2014

My Writing

                  Hellfire                                                                                          Source

The last FSF I did was using the word Marriage as a prompt. At the time this story popped into my head but I had to keep it to the five lines. Since then the story has been swirling around my head wanting to get out. So here we are:

"We're still married!" Stan grinned an ear to ear grin at me.

"No we are not" I ground out through gritted teeth, so angry all I could see was red. "It's to death do us part, and we are dead". Stan's grin just got wider.

"But don't you remember, I got you to leave that line out". I did remember that, at the time I hadn't thought much of it as I was so busy planning our upcoming wedding.

"Why did we leave it out?" I really wanted to rant and rave at him but was holding on to my temper by a thread. Maybe it was the shock of waking up and finding myself here, where ever the hell here was, but while I knew I was dead I was having trouble accepting it.

"Isn't it obvious? By leaving it out once we died it meant we were still married and I could keep you with me here". His hand did a vague wave around him and finally I let myself look around.

We were in a large stone chamber, flames danced on the walls while the floor looked like water. Experimentally I stamped my foot, definitely not water. Slowly I reached out to the nearest wall., jumping when Stan grabbed my outstretched hand.

"Where are we?".

"Home. Well my home anyway. Your home too now. Careful of the walls though, they're real". I stared at him, waiting for the words to come, to explain where the hell I was and what was going on. Since I wasn't showing any signs of another outburst Stan waved his hands again and announced

"Welcome to Hell".

"We really are dead?". Stan nodded, enthusiastically, too enthusiastically for me. With a soft sigh I passed out.